Adam DayPredicting retractions with the Papermill AlarmTL;DR: The current version of the Papermill Alarm detects signals in 98.9% of the Hindawi retractions conducted over the last 12 months.**…May 281May 281
Adam DayKeystone: detecting bad actors with network analysisTL;DR: We can detect individuals with a high probability of being involved in milling papers. The question is: how should we respond?Apr 3Apr 3
Adam DayPapermills prefer Open AccessTL;DR: the rate of Papermill Alarm alerts is significantly higher in gold OA content than it is in subscription content. But it’s not that…Mar 112Mar 112
Adam DayThank you for your warm work… earnestlyWhen life gives you cookie-cutters… (image CC-BY by ‘Unreal’)Feb 191Feb 191
Adam DayThe Papermill AlarmThere’s this phrase used by some technologists: ‘epistemic security’. Epistemic security has to do with things like the spreading of…Jan 101Jan 101
Adam DayIs science getting slower?TL;DR: peer-review times appear to have been growing for a long time. The effects of COVID-lockdowns on peer-review are surprising.Sep 18, 2023Sep 18, 2023
Adam DayWhere to draw the line? Precision and recallThe Papermill Alarm draws a line between papers which have the characteristics of papermill-products and those that don’t. Given data like…Jun 15, 2023Jun 15, 2023
Adam DayCast a wide netTL;DR: There’s been a recent major upgrade to the private Papermill Alarm. It looks like we can predict the inclusion of journals on the…Apr 12, 2023Apr 12, 2023
Adam DayWe need a chat about ChatGPTThere’s a quote attributed to Ernest Rutherford: “That which is not measurable is not science. That which is not physics is stamp…Jan 24, 20233Jan 24, 20233